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  • Genre: Adventure
  • Version: 11.6.0
  • Requirements: Android 4.1
  • Update: 03.12.2020

  • Download Mod

KIM KARDASHIAN: HOLLYWOOD — arcade simulator of a socialite. The user is prompted to assume the role of a star that will advance your career in the world of high fashion. First, the main character or heroine is a simple shopper fashion boutique that had recently moved to Sunny Los Angeles.

Once in the store she looks Kim Kardashian and asks for help in choosing the outfit for the social event. In gratitude for the help she’s ready to help the character navigate the world of show business. In the game you must earn points in popularity, thus becoming a star. When dealing with popular people, you need to perform plot tasks that directly affect the experience and money.

Knowledge of behavioral psychology helps to find a comfortable topic of conversation and to gain the interlocutor, at the right time he contributed to the promotion of the character. KIM KARDASHIAN: HOLLYWOOD is a good example of a simulator stellar personality that reveals a lobby of the world model and show business.

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