10000+ नि:शुल्क Android ऐप्स डाउनलोड करें

  • Genre: Trivia
  • Version: 1.3.2 (132)
  • Info: Niceteen Games
  • Update: दिसम्बर 18, 2022

  • Download Mod

Million Deal is brain puzzle game that you play with money. You have a chance to win up to 1 million dollars. Amazing!!!


1 – Game had 16 cases contain money with random value from $1 -> $1,000,000

2 – You pick the case for your self

3 – There 4 round of picking case:

— a: Round 1: Pick 5 cases

— b: Round 2: Pick 4 cases

— c: Round 3: Pick 3 cases

— d: Round 4: Pick 2 cases

4 – Between each round, the Bank will offer you a value of money. You must answer Deal or Not.

5 – If Deal: You take bank money.

6 – If No Deal: You continue playing the game.

7 – At the end of the game. If you no deal any offer. Your case is opened to show your final money in your case.

You can win up to $1,000,000. Believe in your case. LOL

Note: This is a game only. Money in the game doesn’t have any value in real life. LOL

Enjoy the game.

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