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Block Story Premium

  • Genre: Role playing
  • Version: 13.1.0
  • Requirements: Android 3.0
  • Update: August 14, 2021

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Block Story Premium – a game for Android, which looks very much like the Minecraft PE. But despite the visual similarity, the gameplay in this game surpasses most similar apps. Here is the same endless world, filled with a variety of content, and the process of leveling is designed to perfection. Engaged in the development Studio Mindblocks, which is entirely dedicated himself to his creation.

The scale of the game world is just incredible. Block design generated incredibly fast, creating beautiful landscapes in high quality. Unlike competitors, Block Story Premium you can adjust the extension of the image and other parameters of visual effects, including shadow, detail, the quality of the sky and water, and much more. Pleased with the presence of all sorts of beasts, which is not hard to find in the wild. If desired, animals can be tamed, but this process is quite time consuming.

Beginners will appreciate the detailed step by step instructions, after which the further passage will not be difficult. Management by and large is not different from that of minecraft or Survivalcraft. In the left part of the screen is a virtual joystick with which the player moves around, and the right key for jumping and flying. The main character is unlimited, all items and other valuables you can get through the game.

Overall, Block Story Premium – a qualitative simulator of survival that will appeal not only to fans of this genre. High-quality graphics with the ability to fine configuration will allow you to run the game on budget smartphones and tablets, which is a significant advantage among competitors.

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